AcademicsAcademic Policies

Leave of Absence

Leave of Absence and Withdrawal

If a student decides not to continue at Maine College of Art & Design, they may either withdraw or take a leave of absence.

BFA students who are in good academic standing may take a leave of absence for up to four semesters and then return to MECA&D without reapplying for admission.

MAT students may take a leave of absence for one semester, and must return within one academic year. In other words, an MAT student who takes a leave of absence in fall will be eligible to return the following fall; curriculum design precludes a student from returning in the semester immediately following their exit. MAT students must return the following year; otherwise, they must reapply for admission.

MFA Students may take a leave of absence.....(more policy to come)

A student who does not plan to return to the College must formally withdraw. In either case, the proper paperwork (Exit-LOA form) must be completed. Non-attendance does not constitute notification of intent to exit. An exit date is the date the College is formally notified and the exit is completed.

A student withdrawing during the first eight weeks of a semester will have a permanent record of registration with all courses carrying a grade of “W.” A student withdrawing after the eighth week of classes will have a grade issued by the professor. A student withdrawing before the start of a semester will have their registration completely removed from their academic record. Tuition refunds will be issued according to the enrollment agreement each student signs. Students who are receiving financial aid may need to follow additional procedures and guidelines pertaining to credit loads and financial aid exit interviews. For further information, contact the Financial Aid Office directly (telephone 207-699-5074 or 5073).

Definition of Medical Leave/Withdrawal

A Medical Leave of Absence/Withdraw (MLA) is a leave of absence from Maine College of Art & Design (MECA&D) based on a qualified and documented medical issue. A medical leave may be taken for up to four (4) consecutive semesters. Should a medical leave be granted during a semester already in progress, that semester shall count as the first of the four semesters. A MLA is initiated by the student and supported by medical documentation. MECA&D may request additional documentation from a provider to make a final decision. A student may withdraw prior to the add/drop or withdraw deadline based on medical need. The student does not need to apply for a MLA in those circumstances.

Definition: The term “medical” is broad and includes unanticipated illnesses, injuries, or conditions that are mental or physical.

Initial Request, Review, and Return

  1. A student (or their designee if the student is not capable) requesting a MLA must meet with the Dean of Student Life (or designee) prior to making a decision to seek a medical leave of absence. A meeting with the Dean of Student Life (or designee) does not require the student to start the leave of absence or medical withdrawal process.
  2. If the student decides to pursue a medical leave, the student will complete a MECA&D Medical Leave/Withdrawal Form which will start the process for consideration. Incomplete requests will not be reviewed or considered. The Medical Leave/Withdrawal Form serves as the Exit Notification to the Registrar’s Office. The student has thirty (30) days after the MECA&D Medical Leave/Withdrawal Form is completed to submit medical documentation. If there are extenuating circumstances, the Dean of Student Life or designee may extend the deadline.
  3. Documentation must be from a medical professional and list the following information: 1) the reason(s) for the leave (i.e. diagnosis), 2) the reason(s) the leave is needed (i.e. the symptoms), 3) the expected duration of the leave, and 4) the criteria under which the medical professional will be able to recommend the student’s reentry at MECA&D. Should the student not submit documentation within 30 days and an extension is not provided the student is considered withdrawn under the College’s non-medical leave/withdrawal policy.
  4. The college will review the request and may consult with professionals to determine whether the request should be granted.
  5. Within seven (7) business days of receiving the completed Medical Leave/Withdrawal Form and medical documentation, the Dean of Student Life (or designee) will review the submitted documentation and may consult with members of the MECA&D community to discuss the case. Based on the documentation and advice, the Dean of Student Life (or designee) will inform the student of the decision in writing within fourteen (14) days; in the event that a decision is made not to grant a medical leave of absence, this notification shall also include a description of the appeal process.
  6. When a student who has voluntarily applied for and is approved for a MLA wishes to return to MECA&D, they must complete the Medical Leave/Withdrawal Re-enrollment Form requesting a return to the college. The information must be received at least 30 days prior to the start of the semester. A letter should include detailed and comprehensive documentation from a medical professional that indicates: (1) condition treated and duration of the provider’s relationship with the student, (2) effectiveness, success, and/or compliance with the treatment provided, (3) any recommendations for additional treatment and/or support; and (3) a statement of professional opinion that the student is ready to return to their studies and on-campus living, if applicable. Arrange a meeting with the Dean of Student Life (or designee) to discuss your request to return. The Dean of Student Life (or designee) shall review the submitted documentation and consultation with members of the MECA&D community to discuss the case within seven (7) business days. Based on the documentation and consultation, the Dean of Student Life (or designee) shall inform the student of the decision in writing within fourteen (14) business days; in the event that a decision is made not to grant a return, the notification will also include a description of the appeal process. If readmitted, the student must adhere to any conditions set forth in the letter by the Dean of Student Life (or designee). If a student does not adhere to these conditions, the student may be removed from MECA&D, at any point through, as outlined in the due process established within the Student Code of Responsibility. Students are unable to register for classes until they are successfully readmitted from a MLA. The Dean of Student Life (or designee) will notify the Registrar’s Office, Financial Aid Office, Student Accounts Office, and Student Life Office, if seeking housing. The student is responsible for contacting each office and following procedures outlined for registration, financial aid, billing, and residential living.

Additional Requests: Additional requests for MLA are not normally granted for the same medical condition or circumstances unless the student presents new documentation from a medical provider. The college may consider a student’s enrollment history and past MLA before granting a MLA.

Appeal: A student may appeal a denial of either the request for a medical leave or the request to return from medical leave. This appeal, along with a report from the Dean of Student Life (or designee) must be submitted in writing to the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean of the College (Vice President of Academic Affairs) or designee. The Vice President of Academic Affairs will have seven (7) business days to review the request and provide a written answer to the student. The Vice President of Academic Affairs has the ultimate authority for the medical leave process and may make reasonable adjustments to the appeals time.

Grading: A medical leave effectively withdraws a student from all enrolled classes and the student will earn a W for each course. The student may request the Dean of Student Life (or designee) to contact the faculty member about the grade the student has earned up to the date of the withdrawal taking into consideration requirements for the whole semester. The student may choose to take the assigned grade or the W (withdraw). If the student does not submit the required documentation for a medical leave/withdrawal, the transcript will reflect the non-Medical Leave/Withdrawal policies and procedures.

Relationship of Medical Leave to the Student Code of Responsibility: All MECA&D students are accountable to the standards articulated in the Student Code of Responsibility. A student’s decision to pursue a medical leave in no way suggests that the student will not be held accountable if their behavior was in violation of the Student Code of Responsibility.

Relationship of Medical Leave to Satisfactory Academic Progress: Withdrawing can have implications for degree completion, future registration, financial aid eligibility, return of financial aid funds, visa status, and college housing contracts. Students contemplating medical withdrawal should be aware and reach out to each administrator with responsibility for these programs to identify potential and/or likely effects of granting a MLA. An administrator/staff member will explain to the requesting student the impact a MLA may have on their status as a student and document with a follow-up email.

Relationship of Financial Aid and Tuition, Fees, and Housing: The College provides a tuition, fees, and housing refund schedule each year. Students are responsible for knowing the refund deadlines. Students granted a MLA may, when reasonably available and appropriate for the student’s circumstances, the college may consider possible strategies for financial relief to reduce the financial impact of unanticipated MLAs. Questions about tuition, fees, and housing can be directed to Student Accounts at Students may appeal their current tuition, fees, and housing balance to The Executive Vice President will consult with college staff to determine the merits of the appeal. The Executive Vice President has the ultimate authority for student balance requests within the medical leave policy.

Financial Aid Considerations: Students who receive loans or grants through the Federal Government should know that the College may be required to return a portion of those funds depending on the withdrawal date.

If the last date of attendance occurs before the sixty percent (60%) of the term has been completed, the college is required to return a portion of the student’s loan and grant funds. How much the college must return is dependent on a federal formula and calculation that the Financial Aid Office must complete after ascertaining the withdrawal date. Until this process is complete, there is no ability for the college to determine the exact amount that will need to be returned. If students receive a tuition and fee credit, those funds may need to be returned to cover the loan and grant money that must be returned.

Campus Access: A student on a voluntary leave may maintain contact with the MECA&D community with permission of the Dean of Student Life (or designee).

Confidentiality: All information received and/or reviewed during the medical leave process, will be held in the strictest confidence and shall constitute a Student Life educational record under FERPA rather than a component of the student’s official academic file (e.g., transcript, Registrar Office). An official letter approving the medical leave/exit and approving the return letter will be provided to the Registrar’s, Financial Aid, and Student Accounts offices.