AdmissionsAccepted Students

Next Steps for Enrolled Students

We are thrilled to welcome you to our community of artists! Our goal is to make the transition to College life as easy and seamless as possible, so to that end we've created a checklist here for you to refer to throughout the registration process.

If you have any questions, or concerns, or simply want to talk to someone, please feel free to reach out. We've included contact names and numbers with each step of the process below — as many of us are working remotely or in a hybrid model, emails can be faster in some cases.

Please note that the steps outlined below will begin once you have submitted your enrollment fee.

We look forward to welcoming you to campus in August!

Important Dates for Incoming Students

Saturday, June 1, 2024
  • Priority deadline to enroll for Fall 2024
  • Priority deadline for Housing Deposit & Fees and Applications
June 2024
  • Registration begins for Fall 2024 classes, early June
  • Bills are mailed for Fall 2024 tuition, late June
Monday, July 22, 2023
  • Signed Financial Aid Award Letter due
  • Budget Worksheet for 2024–25 due
  • Tuition for Fall 2024 due
  • Master Promissory Note & Entrance Counseling due
Thursday, August 1, 2024
  • BFA Enrollment Agreements due
  • Immunization Forms due
  • Final High School Transcripts due
  • Final College Transcripts due (if transferring credits into MECA&D)
  • AP Credits and College Transcripts due (if credit is desired)
Thursday, August 22 — Sunday, August 25, 2024
  • Move-In for new and returning students (you will be assigned a specific move-in time in an email from Student Life)
  • Orientation for all new students
Monday, August 26, 2024
  • BFA classes begin

See the Academic Calendar for more

Enrollment & Registration

Enrollment & Registration Checklist

Additional Resources for Enrolled Students

Recommended & Optional: Apply for Outside Scholarships

The Financial Aid Office compiles an extensive list of outside and independent scholarships for which Maine College of Art & Design students are often competitive. We highly recommend you take some time to apply for these scholarships that can reduce the cost of attendance.

In addition, students often say they have the most success with sources that offer local scholarships. These include, for example, family members' (immediate and extended) employers, civic organizations such as local chapters of Rotary clubs, and religious organizations such as Knights of Columbus. Be sure to check at your local high school, town hall, library, and Chamber of Commerce for more possible scholarship opportunities.

You can access the most recent scholarship list here.

Questions? Contact Carri Frechette or Will O'Shea at 207.699.5074 or

Orientation Questions?

See everything you need to know about preparing for classes, living in the residence halls, and more on our Orientation page!