
Tucker Marder

Visiting Artist Lecture

Tucker Marder is an artist living and working between Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Long Island, New York. Working in a wide range of mediums including puppetry, film, and horticulture, Tucker uses humor and absurdity to promote an exuberant environmental ethic, countering pessimistic prevailing trends towards ecological hopelessness. He has exhibited at the National Aviary, Phipps Botanical Garden, and the Store Front for Art and Architecture. He received his MFA from Carnegie Mellon University in 2016 and has been an artist in residence at the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation and SymbioticA at the University of Western Australia. Tucker is the founder of the Folly Tree Arboretum, a cultural archive of trees devoted to ecological storytelling.

Funded through a generous gift from Dr. Edward M. Friedman '08 and Carole J. Friedman, in honor of Sculpture Professor Emeritus Gary Ambrose.

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