Student LifeCampus Resources

Alerts & Notifications

Campus Safety & Crime Reporting

If you have witnessed a crime or suspicious activity on College property, please complete this form.

Campus Safety & Crime Reporting Form

MECA&D Alert: Student of Concern Form

To report an academic, mental health, or medical concern about a student, please fill out a MECA&D Alert.

This information helps us provide support and early intervention to a student who is experiencing difficulties. Faculty, staff, students, friends, and family members are all welcome to submit an alert.

MECA&D Alert Form: Student of Concern

MECA&D Text Notification

We strongly encourage you to sign up for our text notification system for the quickest communication.

In the event of an early closing, cancellation, or a campus emergency, Maine College of Art & Design will send text messages to those enrolled in our notification system. For closing and cancellations, the College will post to the homepage of this website as well as relay updates to local TV and radio outlets for inclusion in their school-closing/cancellation notifications.

Enroll Here

Student Injury Form

To report a student injury please complete this form.

Student Injury Form

Title IX: Sexual Harassment & Misconduct Form

This form is used for an individual impacted by Sex-Based harassment or misconduct or a pregnancy or related condition or a Responsible Employee that was notified of a sex-based harassment or misconduct or a pregnancy and related conditions to report the information.

Title IX: Sexual Harassment & Misconduct Form